Ed F8

How to change relationship status on Facebook

How to change relationship status on Facebook: Most of the friends I made on Facebook back in 2010 were singles but currently a good number of them have gotten married and yet their relationship status is still showing single.
Does it mean that they intentionally refused to change their status? Some haters will quickly conclude that they just want to flirt! The simple truth is that most of them are just ignorant of the fact that their status is still displaying single while they are Engaged or Married. While others really want to change it but don't know where to find the Facebook settings. See: How to tag People or Pages in Photos on Facebook

How to change relationship status on Facebook

In this post, our aim is to show you how to change your relationship status on Facebook and be who you are in real life.

It makes you responsible when someone who knows your status stumble on your profile and find out that you represent your true self even on social network.

On the other hand, friends who never knew your new relationship status will be wowed when they see. So let's head on to changing your status right away!

Change Your Relationship Status on Facebook

To add or edit your relationship status:
  1. Go to your profile and click About, then Family and Relationships in the left column.
  2. Click Add your relationship status or hover over your relationship and click Edit.
  3. Choose your relationship status from the drop-down menu. Depending on your status, you may also have the option to add the name of the person you're in a relationship with and your anniversary.
  4. Use the audience selector to choose who you want to share this with.
  5. Click Save Changes.

How to add a relationship as a life event on your profile:

  • Go to your Facebook profile and click About, then Life Events.
  • Select the type of relationship or event you'd like to add. You may also have the option to add the name of the person you're in a relationship with and your anniversary.
  • Use the audience selector to choose who you want to share this event with.
  • Check the box next to Update relationship status to update your status in your profile.
  • Click Save.
See: How to Create Your Own Facebook Group

Note: You can only list someone in your relationship status if you're friends with that person. That person also needs to confirm that you're in a relationship together before they're listed in your relationship status.
Please share this article with friends so they can also learn how to change their relationship status on Facebook. Sharing is caring!!!
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Ed F8

How To Block And Unblock Friends on Facebook 2017 Plus Video Explainer

How To Block And Unblock Friends on Facebook 2017: Are you sick and tired of some friends or you have settled your score with a friend and you want to get along. This guide is gonna help you on how to go about blocking and unblocking Facebook users.

Note: Blocking a friend will automatically unfriend the person. Unblocking on a friend does not automatically add the person to your friends list.

So, if you want to unblock a user and wants the person to appear on your friends list - you should send them a new friend request.

Attached below is a video explaining how to block and unblock a person.

Don't worry, this is the latest Facebook settings for blocking and unblocking users.

Read: Did you block friends? View your Facebook blocked

Please share this article.
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Ed F8

How to delete Facebook photos fast!

Have you ever posted a picture on Facebook and later regretted putting it up there in the first place? Well, it has happened to me so many times too numerous to count. So, I embarked on what you will call a research to find out how to delete Facebook photos fast!. Guess what? I found it and I'm about to share the secret with you. Read on to find out how to delete Facebook photos fast!.

Read Also: How to remove tag on Facebook




  1. Click on the menu button at the top right hand corner of your Facebook page
  2. Next, click on your name to view your profile
  3. Scroll down and click on Photos
  4. Click on Uploads
  5. Select the picture you want to delete
  6. Tap on the menu button at the top right hand of the screen (the menu button is like three dots piled on top of each other)
  7. On the pop-up screen click on Delete photo
  8. On the pop-up screen, you will be asked if you want to delete the photo, tap on Delete


  1. Click on your name at the left hand side of the screen, this will take you to your profile
  2.  Click on Photos (in between friends and more, under your cover photo)
  3. Click on Your Photos
  4. Select the photo you want to delete and tap on it to open
  5. Click on Options on the menu bar below the photo, you will be asked if you want to delete the photo
  6. Select Delete this photo
  7. Click on OK to confirm
Easy as that! Delete those photos now.
Remember, you can only delete a photo you uploaded by yourself. If you want to delete a photo you were tagged in, you will have to ask the person who uploaded it to take it down.

Read Also: How to remove tag on Facebook
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Ed F8

How can you hide the people and pages you follow on Facebook

How can you hide the people and pages you follow on Facebook- As we all know, by default, Facebook keeps people, pages and list you follow on its platform public and visible to every other user but you now have the choice of hiding it from other Facebook friends. Check out how to hide the people and pages you follow on Facebook.

Users now have full control on almost everything that appears on their profile for example: status, photos, albums and so on. Users also have the control of the audience of their contents for example: share with everyone, friends, friends of friends, groups and so on. Users can also manually hide a status from specific set of persons.

If you do not want public visitors to your Facebook profile to see lists, pages and people you, then you just have to hide it from them.

SeeHow to Hide Your Facebook Friend List from Friends and Others

And seeing that someone is your mutual friend, your other friends usually accept the friend request. It’s kind of embarrassing when your female friend informs you that some mutual friend of yours has sent her a friend request.

It’s good you keep people and pages you follow visible to only you and hidden from public eyes.

How to Hide People and Pages You Follow on Facebook

By default, everyone can see the Friends section of your profile. To adjust who can see your Friends section:
Go to your profile. 
Click ''Following'' below your cover photo
Click on at the top of the page and select ''Edit Privacy'' from the drop down menu
Hide Facebook Friend List from Friends and Others
Select an audience (ex: Friends, Public) to choose who you share your friend list with on your profile.

How to Hide People, Pages and Lists You Follow on Facebook

From here you can control who can see your pages and people you follow and who can’t. I keep mine visible to only me.

Keeping your followed Facebook pages, list and people visible to other people is totally a thing of choice, but I prefer keeping mine hidden and private to only for my own privacy.
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Ed F8

How to Hide People, Pages and Lists You Follow on Facebook

As you know, by default, Facebook keeps people, pages and list you follow on FB public and visible to every other user but you've got the choice of hiding it from other Facebook friends. Let's see how to hide pages, list and people you follow on Facebook.

See: How to hide and unhide a Facebook Post

How to Hide People, Pages and Lists You Follow on Facebook

Users now have full control on almost everything that appears on their profile for example: status, photos, albums and so on. Users also has the control of how they want to share their contents for an example: share with everyone, friends, friends of friends, groups and so on. Users can also manually hide a status from specific set of persons.

If you don’t want public visitors to your Facebook profile to see lists, pages and people you, then you just have to hide it from them.

SeeHow to Hide Your Facebook Friend List from Friends and Others

And seeing common friends, other friends usually accept the friend request. It’s kind of embarrassing when your female friend informs you that some mutual friend of yours has sent her a friend request.

It’s good you keep pages, list and people you follow private to only you and hidden from public users.

How to Hide People, Pages and Lists You Follow on Facebook

By default, everyone can see the Friends section of your profile. To adjust who can see your Friends section:
Go to your profile
Click Following below your cover photo
Click at the top of the page and select Edit Privacy from the dropdown menu

Hide Facebook Friend List from Friends and Others

Select an audience (ex: Friends, Public) to choose who you share your friend list with on your profile.

How to Hide People, Pages and Lists You Follow on Facebook

From here you can control who can see your pages and people you follow and who can’t. I keep mine visible to only me.


Keeping your followed Facebook pages, list and people visible to other people is totally a thing of choice, but I prefer keeping mine hidden and private to only for my own privacy.
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Ed F8

How to edit and upload photos

How to edit and upload photos- Many at times, you see people add images, frames and stickers to their photo and you are wondering how they did it. Don't worry, we've got the answer for you. We'll be showing you how to edit your photos as you upload them, how upload and edit your photo and how to add a text to the photo.


  • Adding a filter
  • Tagging friends
  • Cropping the photo
  • Adding text
  • Adding stickers


  1. Click on ''Add Photo/Video'' at the top of your News Feed
  2. Select the photos you'd like to upload
  3. Hover over the photo you'd like to edit and click on
  4. Click to choose your edit option on the left
  5. When you're done editing, click on ''Save'' 
  6. Then click on ''Post''


To add a text on top of a photo, click , then click .
  • Click and drag the text box to move it
  • Click on to rotate and resize the text
  • Click on ''X'' in the top-left of the text to delete it from your photo.
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Ed F8

How can you change your name on Facebook?

How can you change your name on Facebook?- Making changes to your name on Facebook is quite easy. Whether it is changing your name or adding a nickname, the process is quite easy and simple and we will show you just how easy it is.


  1. Click on the menu button at the top right hand of the page (under the messenger logo)
  2. Scroll down to Account settings and tap on it
  3. Click on General
  4. On the pop-up screen, tap on Name
  5. On the screen that pops up, type any name you want to known as on Facebook then tap on Review change
  6. Enter your password and click on Save changes 


  1. Click on the Facebook Drop down in the top right of Facebook and select Settings
  2. Click on Name
  3. Enter your name and click on Review Change
  4. Enter your password and click on Save Changes
 Remember that Facebook has some terms and conditions attached to changing your name on Facebook. They are stated below: 
1. Your name can't include:
  • Symbols, numbers, unusual capitalization, repeating characters or punctuation
  • Characters from multiple languages
  • Titles of any kind (example: professional, religious)
  • Words or phrases in place of a name
  • Offensive or suggestive words of any kind
2. If your name follows the standards and you're still having trouble changing it, find out why.
Other things to keep in mind:
  • The name on your profile should be the name that your friends call you in everyday life. This name should also appear on an ID or document from our ID list.
  • Nicknames can be used as a first or middle name if they're a variation of your authentic name (like Bob instead of Robert).
  • You can also list another name on your account (example: maiden name, nickname, professional name).
  • Profiles are for individual use only. You can create a Page for a business, organization or idea.
  • Pretending to be anything or anyone isn't allowed.
NOTE: You will not be able to change your name again until after sixty(60) days or two months.

You can also spice up your new name by adding a nickname, a birth name, etc. So go ahead, play around with some new spectacular names but make sure that your change works with the standards of Facebook.
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